Snake Eater
Snake Eater
I also have some new Screenshots for some other projects I've been working on.
I know it's not much to look at and there has not been hardly any progress at all on this one. I've only decided to increase the resolution and add color. I have done a few attempts on some other engines for the project, but it keeps on being on and off again. I do hope to make more progress in the future.
I know that I'm starting on a sequel before I released the completed first one, but I couldn't help myself. I started off by just messing around with the original graphics and I liked the results. So now, I find myself working on the sequel.
So, there you have it, a few updates. I hope you all are looking forward to all this.
I'm just working on the basic engine right now, so there's not much to look at right now.
Also, I'm releasing a Maze game called Block Blocker's Maze Thing. It's a simple maze game.
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Scourge: of the Dark Knight